Exclusive Games

Ms.LemonS is waiting for the students in her class. But rumors say nobody returns from her classroom after a lesson. Let’s see if you are smart enough to escape this place alive! Because she prepared a special quiz exactly for you.

Prepare yourself for the intense test!

The moment the bell rings, everything begins. The first subject is math. And the teacher prepared a bunch of difficult equations you need to solve to survive. To make the process more thrilling, she got you a timer. And if you don’t answer till the timer rings, you lose.

Look at the board and think fast. Pick the right answer and press the necessary button. And be ready. After you answer one question, the second one appears on the board. The quiz continues till the last question in the subject. Then, this lady begins another subject.

In the beginning of the walkthrough you play without any difficulties. The next questions become more difficult, but if you think a little, you can discover the answer. But then, various obstacles appear on your way. Your vision becomes extremely bad. Or you can’t choose what you want because of missing options. Then, various items from the store will help you!

Don’t fail your test!

What happens when you pick the wrong answer? This lady has an irritation level. As in the previous part of this game, when the scale is full, you unlock the bad ending. The main antagonist transforms into a terrifying monster. And you begin to play for the parts of your body. The main problem is that you can’t win here.

Sometimes to solve the puzzle on the board, you need additional items. It happens when different obstacles begin to interrupt your walkthrough. Look into the store. It has lots of different items that can help you. Purchase a couple of cheats, a hammer and pills for your headache. And go on to the next lesson!

Developers also added a secret ending. So you can get a good final where this lady will reward you. If your answers are wrong, you receive a bad ending and can only pray to stay alive. And in case you want a secret final, you need to take a closer look at a key in the shop.

Enjoy this thrilling horror on this site and improve your knowledge. And of course, survive!